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            The Threat of the Coastal Virginia
                            Commerce Park

The proposed Coastal Virginia Commerce Park is perhaps the biggest threat to the Dismal Swamp in Chesapeake. The project is completely out of place in a very underdeveloped area and surrounded by a State and a Federal Wildlife Area.
The increase in toxic runoff, diesel emissions, all sorts of unintentional leaks, would lead to severe air and water quality issues that would threaten the Dismal Swamp's fragile ecosystems.
A quick search of available industrial properties showed many facilities in the South Norfolk area that are available . These properties are already zoned Industrial and have existing access to water, sewer, gas, public transit and more. There is also already a work force in the South Norfolk area that need jobs. Checking the last census for information, the South Norfolk area had more than twice the unemployment rate of the Hickory area.
The City also has a long history of problems when it comes to providing ancillary services such as road improvement, school construction and more.
Who could imagine Ballahack Rd. being used for heavy semi truck traffic? If approved, it will happen. Suffolk is already having similar problems due to the over building of warehouse facilities without proper road upgrades.
The quality of rural life should also be factored in. Many in this area do not want to live near a mega site, they live there to be away from the city. 
The City taxpayers need to be considered as well. The state maybe putting up some of the money, but rest assured that Chesapeake citizens will be paying for a huge hunk of the utility construction, sewage treatment facilities, occupant tax incentives and much more.
Convenience to the Port of Virginia has been stated as a desirable attraction for the location of this facility. I can tell you that the available facilities on the Elizabeth River would be a lot closer than the Carolina border.
So many ecological concerns and so much taxpayer investment should make this project a no go for where it is proposed. Please do not saddle our City with this proposed boondoggle.
To sign a petition urging Chesapeake City Council to abandon this project, please click on the link below:

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