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The Virginia Reliability               (Ripoff)Project

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December 13, 2023 6:30 pm to 8 pm
Public comments on the compatibility of the so called "Virginia Reliability Project (fracked gas pipeline)" with the City of Chesapeake's  Comprehensive Plan.
We need you there! For more info go to:

The VRP and the Great Dismal Swamp Wildlife Refuge

There has been some confusion as to whether or not the "Virginia Reliability (Ripoff) Project (fracked gas pipeline) would go through the Great Dismal Swamp Wildlife Refuge.

This section of a report, commissioned by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, should clear the question up. It would. Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge

The VM-107 replacement will cross the Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge (GDS) between

milepost (MP) 14.4-7 and 14.9-7. The refuge is managed by the USFWS, and spans over 112,000 acres

of forested wetlands in southeastern Virginia and northeastern North Carolina (USFWS, 2021a). Within

the refuge’s boundaries, over 200 species of birds, 182 species of insect, and 47 species of mammals have

been identified (USFWS, 2006). The refuge is home to the largest natural lake in Virginia, as well as 6,300

acres of emergent marsh. Research in forestry, hydrology, and wildlife monitoring and inventory are

ongoing within the GDS, as well as one Headwaters Hydrology Restoration Park in the North Carolina

section of the park.

The VM-107 replacement crosses the extreme northern edge of the GDS, on existing pipeline easement

that was constructed before the GDS was established in 1974. Coordination with the GDS is underway;

communications have continued since the initial meeting with the GDS Manager occurred in September

2021 and are ongoing. Columbia obtained a Special Use Permit to conduct biological and cultural surveys

from the refuge in February 2022. The entire 0.5-mile crossing of the refuge is comprised of emergent,

scrub-shrub, and/or forested wetlands. Columbia has designed its construction right-of-way to be 75-feetwide in accordance with its Annual Standards and the FERC’s Procedures.

Approximately 3.7 miles of the existing VM-107 line within the GDS will be abandoned in place. The existing

VM-108 line, which occupies a common right-of-way with VM-107, will remain in service. The abandoned

segment of the VM-107 pipeline will be cut, internally cleaned, filled with water, and capped with welded

steel plates. 

Make a comment to FERC !

 Please make a comment on the Virginia "Reliability" Project to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Let them know the dangers the Dismal Swamp would face if the project is approved!
The time for making comments to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission about the so-called Virginia Reliability Project is now. The Commission has only given us until September 29th, 2022 to get our comments in. It is required that when you make a comment that you include the following FERC Document Numbers, CP22-502-000 and/or CP22-503-000.
If you would like some background on the project, Oil and Gas Watch has made a great summation of facts about the project.

Also, here are some great talking points to use in your comment, if you choose. Please pick out a couple of points that speak to you and write a bit on them. If you can, write on how this relates to you personally.

Where would the VRP be routed? Surrey, Sussex , Southampton and Isle of Wight Counties, Also the Cities of Suffolk and Chesapeake.
The route includes areas prone to flooding with existing pollution, lack of infrastructure and inadequate sewage storage. As well as rural and residential areas with critical habitats, historic and cultural sites. This project would also disturb critical water and bio-diverse bodies such as the Nansemond and Elizabeth Rivers as well as the Great Dismal Swamp.

The project would consist of digging up and replacing 48 miles and increasing the pipe from 12 to 24 inches. This would increase the amount of gas exponentially, due to the higher pressures and volumes. The amount of leaks and potentially disastrous consequences would also increase dramatically. Climate impacts would also be overwhelming for a rapidly warming world.

Other concerns include the route going through historic and minority communities, impacts on areas that are already affected by recurrent flooding, decreased property values and an increase in insurance cost.
Also water quality effects on the James River and Chesapeake Bay Watersheds.

You should file your comments by using the e-Comment feature. This is located on FERC’s website at under the link to Documents and Filings. This is the easiest, quickest way to submit a brief, text only comment. Remember to reference the document number(s) CP22-502-000 and or CP22-503-000.

Should you need assistance filing your comment, FERC has support staff to assist you. Their telephone number is 202-502-8258 or FercOnlineSupport@

We also have a petition that is asking the legislators who have signed on to support this Virginia "Ripoff" Project to rescind their endorsements of it. Please sign and share. 

      Soil Types found in the  Great Dismal Swamp

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